Journal of Agroforestry & Envinronment

Journal of Agroforestry and Environment

VOL 10, ISSUE 1 & 2

  1. Development of year round vegetable farming technologies on brackish water shrimp Gher dykes in southern Bangladesh – M Shaifullah
  2. Growth and yield of red and purple colored potatoes a significant antioxidant source in human nutrition – N Kabir
  3. Wheat cultivation along with different timber trees as crop land agroforestry system – SME Islam
  4. Heavy metal accumulated by sundori, gewa, keora of selected areas of Sundarban mangrove forest Bangladesh – M Chakrabarti
  5. Growth and quality of pineapple at different orientations and distances under litchi based agroforestry system – MS Rahman
  6. Growth and yield performance of local T. aman aromatic genotypes under the southern region – M.H.K Howlader
  7. Plant species diversity and present structure of roof top garden in Dhaka city – T. Hossain
  8. Integrated management of organic and inorganic fertilizers to reduce methane (CH4) emission and increase rice production – MA Haque
  9. Performance of red amaranth and ipil-ipil based alley cropping system – F.A. Dola
  10. Micronutrients in favorite beverages and radioactivity in food samples associated with potential health risk in Hokkaido – MS Islam
  11. Ionic constituents of water of sundarban mangrove forest of Bangladesh – M. Chakrobarti
  12. Estimation of biomass carbon stock at three plantation sites in Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University campus – M.S. Islam
  13. Effect of fertilizers and manures on the growth and yield of cauliflower – U.K. Shanta
  14. Morpho-physiological attributes of three HYV aromatic fine rice varieties as affected by integrated nutrient management – SK Sarker
  15. Methane emission from T. Aman n¼üelds as affected by chemical fertilizer and manure management – M.A. Haque
  16. Wheat cultivation along the north-south orientation of a five years old strip plantation of Acacia auriculiformis tree GÇô MN Haque
  17. Effect of indole butyric acid (IBA) and growing conditions on success and survivability of stem cutting in plum – N Shuvra
  18. Effect of manures with inorganic fertilizers on the growth and yield of tomato – M.K. Islam
  19. Growth, yield and nutritional values of five tomato varieties grown in soil and closed soil less culture – T.P. Suvo
  20. Study on adptation measures taken by the farmers in response to disaster in Bajua union of Dacope upazila of Khulna – A Das
  21. Agro-economic study of Lathyrus cultivation in some selected areas of Bangladesh – Q.M.S. Islam
  22. Winter leafy vegetables cultivation in assocition with six years old Swietenia macrophylla tree – M. Jahan
  23. Effect of some secondary and micro nutrients along with organic amendments on wheat at AEZ 3 – M.S. Islam
  24. Studies on salt tolerance levels of BINAtomato – 3 – J.M. Firuz
  25. Effect of shade cast by akashmoni tree on the incidence of insects in aman rice (cv. Kalojira) – A. Sarker
  26. Effect of mulching and irrigation on the yield of okra – M.M. Hossain
  27. Effect of Indole Butyric Acid and growing conditions on success and survivability of stem cutting in passion fruit – CS Popy
  28. Effects of different rates of manure application on methane emission and crop yield in aman rice – M.A. Haque
  29. Pruning height and subsequent regeneration potentials of ipil-ipil hedges under alley cropping system -MR Islam
  30. Isolation and identification of phosphate solubilizing bacteria from non saline soils of coastal region in Bangladesh – M.R. Uddin
  31. Effect of liming on soil chemical properties under tista meander floodplain soil in Bangladesh – ABMM Hasan
  32. Effect of shade cast by akashmoni tree on the incidence of diseases in aman rice (cv. Kalojira) – M.M. Parvej
  33. Combined effect of organic manure, silicate fertilizer and bio-fertilizer with different forms of urea on methane emission – MA Haque
  34. Isolation and identification of Rhizobium from saline soils of Bangladesh and preparation of mother culture – M.K. Islam
  35. Farmers’ use of pesticide during vegetables production and its impact on environment in Bangladesh – M.A. Haque
  36. Performance of banana cultivars at Patuakhali region of Bangladesh – M. Afrin
  37. Effect of organic manures and mulching on growth and yield of carrot – R. Rani
  38. Efficiency of plant extracts to suppress population of yellow stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) of rice – M.T. Haque
