VOL 10, ISSUE 1 & 2
- Development of year round vegetable farming technologies on brackish water shrimp Gher dykes in southern Bangladesh – M Shaifullah
- Growth and yield of red and purple colored potatoes a significant antioxidant source in human nutrition – N Kabir
- Wheat cultivation along with different timber trees as crop land agroforestry system – SME Islam
- Heavy metal accumulated by sundori, gewa, keora of selected areas of Sundarban mangrove forest Bangladesh – M Chakrabarti
- Growth and quality of pineapple at different orientations and distances under litchi based agroforestry system – MS Rahman
- Growth and yield performance of local T. aman aromatic genotypes under the southern region – M.H.K Howlader
- Plant species diversity and present structure of roof top garden in Dhaka city – T. Hossain
- Integrated management of organic and inorganic fertilizers to reduce methane (CH4) emission and increase rice production – MA Haque
- Performance of red amaranth and ipil-ipil based alley cropping system – F.A. Dola
- Micronutrients in favorite beverages and radioactivity in food samples associated with potential health risk in Hokkaido – MS Islam
- Ionic constituents of water of sundarban mangrove forest of Bangladesh – M. Chakrobarti
- Estimation of biomass carbon stock at three plantation sites in Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University campus – M.S. Islam
- Effect of fertilizers and manures on the growth and yield of cauliflower – U.K. Shanta
- Morpho-physiological attributes of three HYV aromatic fine rice varieties as affected by integrated nutrient management – SK Sarker
- Methane emission from T. Aman n¼üelds as affected by chemical fertilizer and manure management – M.A. Haque
- Wheat cultivation along the north-south orientation of a five years old strip plantation of Acacia auriculiformis tree GÇô MN Haque
- Effect of indole butyric acid (IBA) and growing conditions on success and survivability of stem cutting in plum – N Shuvra
- Effect of manures with inorganic fertilizers on the growth and yield of tomato – M.K. Islam
- Growth, yield and nutritional values of five tomato varieties grown in soil and closed soil less culture – T.P. Suvo
- Study on adptation measures taken by the farmers in response to disaster in Bajua union of Dacope upazila of Khulna – A Das
- Agro-economic study of Lathyrus cultivation in some selected areas of Bangladesh – Q.M.S. Islam
- Winter leafy vegetables cultivation in assocition with six years old Swietenia macrophylla tree – M. Jahan
- Effect of some secondary and micro nutrients along with organic amendments on wheat at AEZ 3 – M.S. Islam
- Studies on salt tolerance levels of BINAtomato – 3 – J.M. Firuz
- Effect of shade cast by akashmoni tree on the incidence of insects in aman rice (cv. Kalojira) – A. Sarker
- Effect of mulching and irrigation on the yield of okra – M.M. Hossain
- Effect of Indole Butyric Acid and growing conditions on success and survivability of stem cutting in passion fruit – CS Popy
- Effects of different rates of manure application on methane emission and crop yield in aman rice – M.A. Haque
- Pruning height and subsequent regeneration potentials of ipil-ipil hedges under alley cropping system -MR Islam
- Isolation and identification of phosphate solubilizing bacteria from non saline soils of coastal region in Bangladesh – M.R. Uddin
- Effect of liming on soil chemical properties under tista meander floodplain soil in Bangladesh – ABMM Hasan
- Effect of shade cast by akashmoni tree on the incidence of diseases in aman rice (cv. Kalojira) – M.M. Parvej
- Combined effect of organic manure, silicate fertilizer and bio-fertilizer with different forms of urea on methane emission – MA Haque
- Isolation and identification of Rhizobium from saline soils of Bangladesh and preparation of mother culture – M.K. Islam
- Farmers’ use of pesticide during vegetables production and its impact on environment in Bangladesh – M.A. Haque
- Performance of banana cultivars at Patuakhali region of Bangladesh – M. Afrin
- Effect of organic manures and mulching on growth and yield of carrot – R. Rani
- Efficiency of plant extracts to suppress population of yellow stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) of rice – M.T. Haque