Journal of Agroforestry & Envinronment

Journal of Agroforestry and Environment



(J. Agrofor. Environ.) ISSN 1995 – 6983.

Journal of Agroforestry and Environment (J. Agrofor. Environ.) is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original research, reviews and short communications within the boundary of agroforestry and environment science. Agroforestry is a multidisciplinary science that broadly includes agriculture, forestry, livestock areas. The Journal also covers socioeconomic, management and ecological aspects of agroforestry and environmental science.  Manuscripts that cover the above areas of science and have global impacts are encouraged to be published. Every article that is published by JAE is immediately and freely accessible to everyone.

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Message from the Journal

Greetings from the Journal of Agroforestry and Environment (J. Agrofor. Environ.)!! It is an international multidisciplinary journal covering all areas of Agroforestry and Environment. The Journal was established in 2007, and the main aim is to provide an international platform for publishing good quality, peer-reviewed manuscripts on original and applied research into agroforestry (combination of woody and non-woody components) and environment. The Journal offers social, environmental, theoretical, modeling, and analytical manuscripts. The area of focus extends from the role of agroforestry in community development, socio-ecological management, and ecological aspects of both woody and non-woody components and beyond. The journal’s main target is the global research community. However, the Journal of Agroforestry and Environment is also useful to environmental and biological scientists, policy makers, and natural scientists.

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