Md. Tazul Islam, S. M. Abdul Alim, Shamim Akram, Mohmmad Joyel Sarkar, Md. Amaj Uddin, Md. Azihullah, A.F.M. Saiful Islam and Md. Sharaf Uddin
The growth capacity and yield characteristics of crop plants are significantly influenced by their roots. To determine the influence of root characteristics and its correlation with yield of maize genotypes, an experiment was conducted at the experimental field of Department of Crop Botany and Tea Production Technology, Sylhet Agricultural University (SAU), Bangladesh during December 2014 to May 2015. The experimental materials were ZM 0001, ZM 0002, ZM 0003, ZM 0004, ZM 0005, ZM 0006, ZM 0007 and BARI Maize 6. Three replications and a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) were used to set up the experiment. Necessary cultural practices were followed as and when require during the growing period. Data were recorded on number of roots plant-1, root length, root spreading until grain filling stage (90 days after germination) and dry matter accumulation of roots at 30 days interval until harvest. The results indicated that root number of maize genotypes increased from 30 to 90 DAG at a constant rate and in the grain filling stage and it was limited within 32.33 to 42.67. Root length was also increased from 30 to 90 DAG at a constant rate and in the grain filling stage it was limited within 25.33 to 31.1 cm. Root spreading was continued to increase from germination stage to 90 DAG and it was varied from 22 to 27.73 cm. Dry matter accumulation of roots increased gradually from 30 to 60 and 90 DAG up to harvest. In this study, root shoot ratio (RSR) and root weight ratio (RWR) had significant correlation with maize yield. From the root length and root spreading data, it is suggested that moderate tillage and a plant to plant distance spacing of 25-30 cm can be maintained for better yield of maize.
Keywords: Root characteristics; Correlation; Maize; Dry matter; Yield; Root shoot ratio.