Journal of Agroforestry & Envinronment

Journal of Agroforestry and Environment

              Zannatul Mouwa, Mahmud Kamal Anamul Haque and F. K. Sayema Tanzia



Nowadays, flooding is a serious problem in Bangladesh. Excess rainfall, poor drainage patterns, and the inability of the soil to store much water are the common causes of flooding and the Tangail is the most affected area. The purpose of this study is to find out the problems of agricultural patterns due to flooding and farmers socio-economic conditions. The study was conducted at Tangail Sadar, Nagarpur, Delduar, Bhuapur, Kalihati, Dhanbari, Gopalpur, Basail, and Mirzapur Upazilas in Tangail District. The investigation was based on primary data collection, field visits, secondary data sources, and conceptual methods. The study area was measured by interviews, group discussions, and survey methods. Data were collected by questionnaires with a sample size of 100. Flooding’s detrimental effects on food grain and agricultural output values point to a threat to small and marginal farming households’ ability to secure food. There is a significant change in the occupational pattern in the area due to flooding. Flooding is highly responsible for the changes in livelihood patterns and the economy. The effects of occupational change decrease income levels. About 84% of household members opined that they have changed their housing pattern due to flooding. Most of the land property (90%) was covered by flooding time. Due to flooding and diarrhea, typhoid, skin diseases, and viral diseases, the eye is an alarming health risk for helpless people. About 52% of tube wells were affected due to flooding. This research simply suggests that the development works associated with the flooding should be managed suitably and recommends that an Environmental Impact Assessment is a prerequisite for the development activities.

Keywords: Flooding; Agricultural pattern; Socio-economic; Drainage system; Land pattern. 

Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, 2024, 17(2):111-116