Journal of Agroforestry & Envinronment

Journal of Agroforestry and Environment

              M.T.R. Mondal, M.R. Islam, M.N.H. Mehedi, M.M. Islam and M.M. Hasan




A field study was performed at the Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) sub-station farm, Rangpur during Rabi season of 2021-22 to determine the effect of varieties and foliar application of boron on the growth and yield of green chili. The treatments were laid out in a Split-plot and replicated three times. Different concentrations of foliar Boron were applied as foliar sprays. The experiment comprised of nine treatments: T1= 0.5 g BL-1H2O at vegetative stage, T2= 1.0 g BL-1H2O at vegetative stage, T3=  0.5 g BL-1H2O at vegetative stage + 1.0 g BL-1H2O at Fruiting stage, T4= 1.0 g BL-1H2O at vegetative stage + 1.0 g BL-1H2O at Fruiting stage,  T5=  1.5 g BL-1H2O  at vegetative stage & T6= 1.5 g BL-1H2O at vegetative stage + 1.5 g BL-1H2O at Fruiting stage, T7= 2.0 g BL-1H2O at vegetative stage, T8= 2.0 g BL-1H2O at vegetative stage + 2.0 g BL-1H2O at Fruiting stage & T9 = Control and two chili varieties/lines viz. Binamorich-2 & RCL-1. From the present study, it was concluded that the highest fresh chili yield (18.11 tha-1) produced Binamorich-2 compared to RCL-1 which gave 14.52 tha-1. Among the nine treatments of foliar boron, B @ 2.0 g/L H2O at vegetative stage + B @ 2.0 g/L H2O at fruiting stage exhibited the highest fresh chili yield (21.22 tha-1). In respect of the interaction effect of foliar boron and variety, the Binamorich-2 was giving the highest fresh chili yield (25.00 tha-1). However, further research will be needed with different doses of foliar boron for promising production of chili at different locations of Bangladesh.

Keywords: Effect, Varieties, Foliar boron, Growth, Yield, Green Chili.

Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, 2023, 16(2):69-74