Journal of Agroforestry & Envinronment

Journal of Agroforestry and Environment


  1. Below ground genet differences of an ectomycorrhizal fungus infecting Salix stands in primary successional stage – WADUD
  2. Morphological variation in three Indigofera spp – ABMMM Khan
  3. Effect of concentrations and time of application of NAA on malformation of mango – Chowdhury _ Rahim
  4. Phosphate solubilizing rhizoplane bacteria on growth and yield of transplant aman rice – Choton
  5. Effect of insect infestation on the growth and yield of soybean plants grown under three different tree species – Atal
  6. Effect of Tectona grandis leaf litter on the yield of boro rice and subsequent soil improvement – Sagir
  7. Effects of potassium on the growth and yield of two summer onion varieties – M. uddin
  8. Performance of winter vegetables in guava-coconut based multistrata Agroforestry system – Parvez
  9. Effect of phosphate solubilizing bacteria and different phosphatic fertilizers on nutrient content of rice – Choton
  10. Potentiality of mustard oil cake for improving fine rice yield – Sultana
  11. Species composition, fishing gears and socio-economic status of the local fishermen of mokash beel – Mokesh
  12. Effect of spacing on the growth and yield of Mukhikachu – Atiquzzaman
  13. Life history traits of Cricula trifenestrata feeding on – Amin
  14. Evaluation of growth performance of some advanced rice lines in T. Aman season – Rashid
  15. Prevalence of insect pests and their effects on growth and yield of mungbean grown under multipurpose trees – Sayed
  16. Time of application of teak leaf litter and its effect on boro rice – Mostafiz
  17. Phosphorus transformation and pH change in SSP and RP amended soils – M Uddin
  18. Standardization Of High Frequency Regeneration Of Existing Genotypes Of Jute – N Pervin
  19. Ecology of cyanobacteria in some selected soils – Khayer
  20. Optimization Of Callus Induction And Plantlet Regeneration – Alam
  21. Residual effect of phosphatic and potassic fertilizers on nutrient content of rice – M uddin
  22. Sulphur nutrition of aromatic rice – Yasmin
  23. Development of low cost medium for the culture of Chlorella ellipsoidea – Nur
  24. Effect of planting date on morphological characters and biomass production – Rahman
  25. Effect of growth regulator on morphological attributes of mungbean – Shohag
  26. Effect of different rates and methods of zinc application on the yield and nutritional qualities of rice – Hannan
  27. Remediation of arsenic contaminated soils by naturally grown weeds – Zaman
  28. Effect of different forms of teak leaf biomass on the yield of rice and nutrient release in the soil – Polash
  29. Effect Of Foliar Application Of Gaba And Miyodo Growth Regulators – Islam
  30. Effect of planting date on canopy characters and capsule – Fakir
  31. Effect of clove oil as an anesthetic on Labeo rohita – Farid
  32. Floristic composition in the campus of Bangladesh tea research institute – G. Sarwar
  33. Effect of different sources of nutrients and irrigation on the fruiting behaviour – L Akter
  34. Effect of tillage, fertilizer level and water regime on yield and yield contributing character of wheat – Mahabub
  35. Performance of short duration pigeonpea morphotypes in relation to flower and pod production – Mostafa
  36. Development of environmentally safe composting method of broiler litter – MA Rahman
  37. Stionic-relationship for cleft grafting in exotic fruits of Rambutan – Hossain
  38. Fruit yielding plants and their relative preference in the nurseries of greater Dhaka district in Bangladesh – Didar
  39. Environment safe storage technique of Chilli seed – Ayub sir
  40. Biology and host suitability of cucurbit fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae – Gopal
  41. Addition of some tree leaf litters in forest soil and their effect on the growth – Chowdhury
  42. Performance of sunflower in Neem based road side agroforestry system – Mamu
