Journal of Agroforestry & Envinronment

Journal of Agroforestry and Environment

             Resnat Jannat Raku, Shivanand Jha, Md. Moshiur Rahman, Md. Sadiquzzaman Sarker, Md. Harun Rashid and Swapan Kumar Paul



Zinc (Zn) and boron (B) deficiency are widespread nutritional disorders in crop plants, including mustard. However, Zn-B interaction on the performance of mustard crops is not well documented. A field experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Field Laboratory of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, during November 2021 to February 2022 to evaluate the effect of rate and method of Zn and B application on the yield performance of mustard (BARI Sarisha-18). The experiment comprised nine doses of Zn & B as a basal and foliar application viz., recommended Zn (2 kg ha-1) and B (2 kg ha-1) as basal, 75% Zn and B as basal + 25% Zn and B foliar spray at pre- flowering stage, 50% Zn and B as basal + 50% Zn and B foliar spray, 100% Zn and B as basal + 25% Zn and B foliar spray, 100% Zn and B as basal + 25% Zn foliar spray, 100% Zn and B as basal + 25% B foliar spray, 100% Zn as basal (without B), 100% B as basal (without Zn), control (no Zn and B). The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The result revealed that yield was influenced significantly by the rate and method of Zn and B application. The highest plant height (140.57 cm), the maximum number of branches plant-1 (5.84), maximum number of effective pods plant-1 (87.57), maximum number of seeds pod-1(31.53), the highest seed yield (1.85 t ha-1) and the highest stover yield (4.47 t ha-1) were obtained from 100% Zn and B as basal + 25% Zn as foliar. The lowest number of seeds pod -1 (27.20), 1000-seed weight (3.35 g), seed yield (1.33 t ha-1) and stover yield (3.35 t ha-1) were obtained from the control treatment. The result showed that the seed yield of mustard increased with increasing levels of both Zn and B as basal 100% with only Zn 25% as foliar, respectively. Therefore, 100% zinc combined with 100% B as basal and 25% Zn foliar application may be recommended for higher seed yield of mustard (cv. BARI Sarisha-18).

Keywords: Mustard; Zinc; Boron; Yield.

Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, 2023, 16(2):36-41