F. Ahmed, M.A. Wadud, K.N.A. Jewel, M. Saifullah1 and G.M.M. Rahman
The experiment was conducted in South char Kalibari situated at the bank of Brahmaputra river adjacent to the Bangladesh Agricultural
University, Mymensingh, during the period from August 2018 to July 2019 to observed the performance of rice, okra and kangkong in combination with
seven years old boundary planted mahogany trees as agroforestry practice. Mahogany trees were planted in south, north and west direction of the
experimental field during the year 2011 maintaining plant to plant 10ft. distance. Along with mahogany tree rice was cultivated during aman season under
irrigated condition. Okra and kangkong were cultivated during summer season. In each orientation i.e. south, north and west, three distances viz. 0-12 ft.,
12-24 ft., 24-36 ft. etc. were selected for crops cultivation which were considered as the different treatments of this study. Rice, okra and kangkong also
cultivated without mahogany tree combination in the respective season which was the control treatment of this study. For each crop total ten treatments {1
+ (3×3) =10} in control, south, north and west side were defined as T0, T1, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 and T9 respectively. Different growth and yield
characteristics of rice, okra and kangkong were observed under the above-mentioned treatments. It was found that growth and yield of rice significantly
influenced by orientation and distances but orientation effect was non-significant in case of okra and kangkong. Yield of all tested crops gradually
decreased towards the base of mahogany. Due to shade effect or orientation effect on rice yield also varied in different orientation which results more
yield reduction in case of rice. Average yield reduction of all treatments in rice, okra and kangkong were 52.29, 27.26 and 26.60%, respectively. Average
growth of mahogany trees almost similar with and without crops combinations. Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) of mahogany-rice, mahogany-okra and
mahogany-kangkong are 1.37, 1.62 and 1.63, respectively. C:N ratio was slightly increased which indicate better soil health after the experimental study.
Considering the LER analysis and increased C:N ratio, it is clear that mahogany-rice-okra and mahogany-rice-kangkong will be profitable agroforestry
technology for charland based farming system.
Key words: Agroforestry practice, Mahogany tree, charland, boundary plantation, farming system
Key words: Agroforestry practice, Mahogany tree, charland, boundary plantation, farming system